Jake is 5. WOW!!!!!
Yesterday we spent the day celebrating his birthday! We met a friend at the Park (Jake was sick with a cold so we called off the morning playdate and decided at the park they wouldn't be contaminating each other so much!).
Here is Jake and his buddy Joshua (who was sick and couldn't make it to the birthday party)

And here are Livi, Joshua, Jake, and Annalise (she just turned one).

After the park and Daddy came home from work we went to Red Robin for dinner. Here is Jake being sung Happy Birthday to at the restraunt. Poor guy. I have never seen his face so red. He was mortified. And yet I got pleasure from the torture. This is exactly what I had to endure as a kid. How sick am I? I still have issues because of my parents doing things like this to me!

Good boy. He'll still smile on command for me to snap a photo even after I do that to him!

Then we went to Dan's club and went swimming! Jake just started taking swimming lessons so he was eager to show me how he can swim with out a life jacket (I guess I will have to take photos at lessons because I didn't capture it yesterday).

Here are some photos from his birthday party. We had a small party- which was PERFECT! It was Mario Kart Wii racing theme. Pretty low key- just the way we like it!

My super awesome cake! I am so happy with how it turned out.

The "big kid" showing the others how to play wii.

The partiers: Kevin, Livi, Abbie, Jake, and Jeffery. (He and Jeffery are new buddies from preschool. They share the same birthday and the same favorite color! )

While the boys played wii, Livi and Abbie dressed up and I caught them "practicing" a song for Jake in Livi's room. Later they preformed all dressed to the Nines.