Something occured to me a couple of days ago.
I am pregnant.
Yep- you'd think throwing up and being miserable for 3 months would have clued me in. or the fact that I have recently gained a huge amount of weight.... but no. It just dawned on me.
One day I will have more than just an eating, sleeping, screaming, pooping, and crying infant. I will have a child that learns to sit. to crawl. to walk. Huge revelation, I know.
Anyway- just thought I would share this sudden news flash with my faithful readers... or reader....
On a diff. note. I have been obsessed with the fact that my sister is in Ethiopia! For the past week and a half or more I have been living 11 hours ahead of my surroundings trying to imagine what life is like there for her and Lincoln and their two new children, Meskerem and Paulos. I haven't heard a lot from her, which is KILLING me... but I know they have had struggles and break throughs already. They come home Sunday night. I can NOT wait for her to email photos and have a skype date! (ok. I will settle for a phone date. I know the skype date might be stretching things a bit with 4 kids in her house now!)
I'd better sign off now. My nachos and salso are getting cold (I ate the last pickle last night. Had to settle for this type of bedsnack.).