Monday, November 30, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!

This weekend we drove to a Christmas tree farm in Monroe and cut down our own tree. It was a lot of fun! now we just need to find a home for the tree. Our options are limited!! Every perfect place has a heater right there. Hopefully we can bring our cute little tree in from outside tonight and decorate it!

We went with some friends who live down the road from us. The kids all had a ton of fun playing in the trees!

Daddy's helper, helping him make the cut!

Draggin the tree up the hill. Notice the huge power lines? There was a constant clicking and buzz above us. We'll see how abnormal our trees are from growing up under huge power lines!

After, they took us on a hay ride!

Cooper's cheeks give Livi's a run for their money!!

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Oh fun! You could have come cut one at our place! We thought of cutting one down this year, but will wait for next year if we don't have them moved this summer since they are too close.
WHERE did you get Livi's hat???? As a hint, my littlest girl will have a cold head this winter...

It's sparkling and WHITE out this way! Dec hit with SNOW! But my friend has my USB cable so I can't download anything...

Love you all!