Friday, December 11, 2009

One Year ago...

Today is December 11. Wow. One year ago our world was rocked upside down. One year ago Dan came home half way through the day to let me know he had just been layed off. We were devastated. It was worse than a break up! He was so blessed and so happy at his job. It wasn't a job- it was an occupation. We really didn't know how wonderful it was until it was taken away from us.
For 6 hard months we searched, applied, and prayed for a job. It was hopeless! We were desperate for any form of income. I taught, did photography, and picked up several child care jobs to help out. Funny how we never lost our home and we never went hungry that entire time! It wasn't easy. It was probabley some of the hardest 6 months of my life. But the Lord was there each step. Faithful as always. Never failing to reward us with new mercies every morning! We learned peace, patience, and humility. We were surprised with anonymous cash, gift cards, bags of groceries! Over and over again! yes, God provided for our EVERY need!
And then, Dan got his job back! 6 months to the date of losing it!
I never thought I would be thankful for that period of our lives. I was stretched so far and inturn grew so much. Even now, when I start to panic "How will we pay this bill?" I know that the Lord is here. HE is God. He provides for all of our needs.
God is good, all the time!! (Can I hear an amen???!)


Ramona said...

AMEN. I'm with you sister. But it did take me a bit to amen it... These last few days have been tough- but as I look part my own emotions, God is good and always with me. I am so glad you reminded me. And that I'm glad that God is good and has provided in so many ways for you guys!

love ya,

Grandma daisy said...

Yes, your year has had so many answered prayer!!May God continue to provide as you Trust in Him.Just wish that somehow Dan could be in a suitcase at Christmas, but so glad he has his job.

Corrigans said...

Yeah! I'm so happy for you all that the Lord brought Dan back to the job he loved so much! What an amazing testimony!! Never stop telling this story to encourage others & remind yourselves!