Friday, February 5, 2010

Little Swimmer Boy.

Jake just started swimming lessons. This was his third lesson. He is doing so well! His teacher even talked to us afterwards on how impressed he was with Jake! That sure made us proud parents!

Here he is swimming by himself! Just flippers on the feet! No life jacket!

He would NEVER jump like this before lessons. I love the confidence this is giving him!

Here is his teacher's "I'm so impressed with you!" speech.

J floated on his back for 15 seconds during lessons!

and in other news... (we still have another kid (or two!) around here...) Here is Olivia with a plan Dan brought home from work. He has been so busy lately that he had to take a plan home to bid. It's bigger than Liv!

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Way to go Jake! I think you better watch out or you'll turn into a fish! Actually- Livi better look out because you might turn into a shark like you were at Elkhorn this Christmas!!

Aunty Mona is super proud of you! You're swimming so well!