Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So no real, logical, or educated words are forming in my brain. Nor am I really trying I guess.
Wanna hear the most exciting news of 2010 (and one of the top for 2009?!?!)???
My sis and her hubby are leaving any day now to go meet, greet, and bring home their two sweet sweet babies in Ethiopia!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEE!!! This has been a long long wait. A hard wait that goes beyond words. But the end is near!!! Meshki (almost 2 yrs) and Paulos (almost 4 years)will soon be sleeping in their own beds in their own home!!! And my favorite part of the story is that Little Meskerem will have her 2nd birthday on Feb 28 and will be with her mommy on that special day who is also celebrating her birthday (far far from her 2nd though). In other words, Ramona and her sweet little girl have the same birthday- i have been praying and praying that they can be together for it. And despite all the many many many MANY hardships and mountains that were in the way (not to mention real geolographical obstacles like an ocean and half of the world) God pulled through yet again!!! What an amazing God we serve! For many years we have prayed for more blessings to fill the home of my sister and her husband and now in a few short days (well, weeks, until they come home) they will have a houseful (zoo?) of 6 people!!! (two kids at home already).
Anyway- if you see me in person ever you will know this story and can read the happy happy ending that is taking place! Ramona, I didn't know how much I was allowed to share... Can't wait until I get permission to post photos of the two adorable little kiddos on here!
Thank you Jesus for your love and your blessings!!!


Corrigans said...

I'm so happy for Ramona (and you too, auntie!) Please keep us posted on actually flying dates & stuff so I can be praying... Yipee!!

Jillian said...

that's great news Kerri! What a great blessing they will be for your family!

Heath and Karen Orr said...

So excited for Ramona and family. I know it has been a long time coming! Praise the Lord that everything finally is falling into place! Congratulations, Ramona!!

Jamie said...

Very exciting!

Heather McKean said...

That's very exciting! Congrats Auntie! :)

Ramona said...

Thanks for posting our exciting news!!! It's been a long, hard 3 years (ok longer then that is you want to get technical) but God will be holding our whole family in one hand at the beginning of March instead of stretching one out across the ocean to the rest of our family.

Pray that Lufthansa does NOT strike on Monday as announced- I need to fly outta Germany with them on Monday morning...

And to Kerri's friends: Thanks for your excitement!!
