Monday, May 3, 2010

rotten eggs?

There are many little things that the kids have been doing lately that I need to record or else I know I will forget. And many little things that I have already forgotten. :(
Something really cute is the Olivia says certain words. Her big lips get pushed out in such a way that she is simply irresistible! (like "Squishy chicken") Instead of saying nail polish, she calls it "pail nolish"! And lately, when we are baking and I have added eggs to the batter she will ask me if there is rotten eggs in it- meaning raw eggs (meaning she can't taste test it). I just don't have the heart to correct her most of the time because it is too cute! I'll try to add more of these little things to this post as I remember them.


Ramona said...

Oh how I'd love to hear her say "squishy chicken" again! Please keep posting things they say! We have a lot of funnies lately as the kids try to say more and more English words, but too many aren't polite or proper... :-)

Julie W. said...

Thanks for the reminder that I need to do the same with Landon!

jupo said...

Cute!! You should take some video of her saying these things!