Here are a few photos from our Gingerbread house making. December has been busy busy busy. I've been making all sorts of goodies for our neighbors, friends, teachers, etc. I think I have made myself so busy that I have not left time to realize how lonely and sad holidays are when I can't be close to my family in Manitoba. So, now that my baking is done and Jake is on school holidays, I have been reflecting on what traditions we should start with our sweet little family- and trying to keep my mind off of what traditions I am missing out on back "home". I think since it has been a whole year since I was home, and there have been 3 additions to the family and another one arriving in a couple of weeks- it's especially hard being here and not there. Anyway- I am praying for and searching for a way to reach out to needy ones this Christmas and give- when we have SO much given to us.
Well, it is about time. What keeps you so busy? You only have three kids.....
Those are some great photos! Making great family traditions!
Looks like the Costco kit we did! Such fun at this age! :)
Love it! Thanks for the update!!
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