I am in the midst of creating a photo book for Jake of his "3rd year"- 2008. I found these and they melted my heart! Olivia is so funny! What a quirky bunch we are in our family! :)

And, saving one of my favorite memories of Jake for last. This makes me really sad that my first blog was somehow deleted. It help hundreds of memories in posts. My honest and humble journaling as a mom with one little one, and then two little ones... photos... quotes from the kids... stories... ahhh!!! I can't believe I deleted it! I can't believe I am allowing myself to dwell on it and kick myself all over again......... :) Anyway- here is Jakey in his potty training stage, marching around the house nearly naked with firetruck gitchies on his head singing "I'm a treasure!" (meaning "I'm a pirate!"... oh what a treasure he is!)
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