Monday, August 30, 2010

6 weeks smiles and tears

Around week 3 Sam started developing his own language... crying that is. Then the cries turned to screams and I knew something wasn't right. By the third kid you get to know hungry cries, painful cries, and tired cries pretty quick. I got him in to a dr. and found out he has acid reflux.

Here is a little sad face we've seen a lot of lately....

But, in between the gas and the tummy aches there have been some gorgeous smiles that just started up the other day!! ENJOY!! He is soooooo handsome!

my favorite one:

Friday, August 6, 2010

More of the little man...

Sam and his buddy, Eli. Eli is 4 weeks older than Sam.

I am somewhat pathetically trying out cloth diapers. Not very committed except for the fact I invested $65 in the newborn cloth diapers on a whim so I would stop obsessing about them and whether or not I would attempt using them, especially since Dan was not interested in the least. But check out how cute they are! Too bad no one really sees them. (plus, since I have done both now, I really don't think the cloth are worth it- but oh well. lesson learnt)

August 5, 2010

Time with Nana and Papa

My parents came out for almost a week when Samuel was just 5 days old. They stayed at a hotel nearby and took the older two kids for a few of the nights. It was awesome! Sam and I would join them at the hotel in the morning for a swim and relaxation! We went to Friday Harbor on the ferry one day and spent a lot of time just relaxing and hanging out. WHAT A TREAT!!! (please come again... soon! we didn't even get to the mall, mom!)

Papa reading a bible story to the kids before bed

cleaning off the grasshoppers from Montana roads

Livi did my makeup. BEAUTIFUL!

Dan is... uh... watering the plants.....

Again, Makeup by Livi

on the top of Sam's hand there was a sore that I noticed the second he was born. Now, it is still there, faintly. I have caught him sucking on it! I believe it was his little comforter in the womb!